Dental Extractions
in Chandler, AZ

Tooth decay, wisdom teeth, and other dental scenarios can cause a variety of problems for your oral health. When this is the case, dental extractions are often the best answer to the problem. At Cactus Point Dental, Dr. Stradling and the rest of our experienced dentists are trained to make dental extractions a comfortable experience with minimal recovery. Contact us to schedule a consultation to find out if a dental extraction is best for you!

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Do I need a dental extraction?

A dental extraction, also known as tooth extraction, is the removal of a tooth. While we strive to avoid tooth extractions whenever possible, in some cases, tooth extraction is necessary to maintain or encourage better oral health. The most common reasons for dental extractions are infection, tooth decay, and crowding caused by wisdom teeth. If you’re experiencing tooth or jaw pain, there may be a possibility that you need an extraction.

How long does a dental extraction take?

If the tooth extraction procedure is in your best interest, our dentist will evaluate and plan the extraction and go over what you can expect, including how long the process may take. In most cases, the length of the tooth extraction procedure will depend on the location of the tooth and how many teeth need extraction. While every situation is different, simple extractions tend to take half the time of more complicated cases like wisdom tooth extraction or emergency tooth extraction.

What ways can I manage post-extraction pain and discomfort?

Whether wisdom tooth extraction or emergency tooth extraction, it is normal to experience mild discomfort or swelling following the tooth extraction procedure. However, this should not last more than a few days. We may prescribe antibiotics and pain medication to keep your mouth clean and will always provide you with detailed tooth extraction aftercare instructions like avoiding strenuous activities, keeping the extraction site clean, and maintaining a soft diet.

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