Emergency Dentist
in Chandler, AZ

We hope that you’ll never need to schedule an emergency visit with our office, but should you or someone in your household need to see an emergency dentist in Chandler right away, our team is here to assist. The first thing that we ask patients to do in an emergency is give our office a call and explain the situation. Once we determine that prompt emergency treatment is needed, we will start clearing our schedule and preparing a treatment room for you.

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What is considered a dental emergency?

Our team considers any dental issue that requires immediate or same-day attention a dental emergency. Some common dental emergencies include:

  • Severe Tooth or Gum Pain
  • Cracked, Broken, or Dislodged Teeth
  • Uncontrollable Bleeding or Swelling
  • Dental Abscesses
  • Loose Adult Teeth

What should I do if I knock out a tooth?

Locate the tooth and avoid touching the bottom part if possible. Carefully rinse it off if you can, place it back in the socket, and gently bite down on a piece of gauze or clean cloth to hold the tooth in place. If this is too painful or you can’t hold the tooth in place, putting it in a glass of milk or saliva is the next best option. This will help to keep the tooth alive while you are heading straight to our office. The quicker you can come see us, the higher the chances are that we will be able to successfully reattach your tooth for you.

Is emergency dental care expensive?

Some patients are hesitant to receive emergency dental care because they’re worried about financing their treatment. We want to encourage our patients to visit our office to take care of their emergencies as soon as possible, and we can work with you to find a budget-friendly financing option afterward. Some insurance plans offer coverage for dental emergencies, and our office also accepts CareCredit® plans and provides in-house financing. The important thing is to seek help before the issue becomes more difficult, painful, and costly to treat.

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